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Hello, dear friends!!!
My name is Svetlana Kuzmina.

I live in Russia in the city of Nizhni Novgorod .

I am a young grandmother of four grandsons
I am in Internet for 2 years, and my site started on 20.03.2007.
The site is done by the elder daughter.
Thanks to her, she has opened for me a new WORLD!!!
Senior grandsons-twins are in charge of photos on site :)

Last five years I am greatly interested in embroidery. I am going in for embroidery since May, 2002! :)
I wish to show the works to fans and judges fine of the Beaty from different countries:)

Five years ago the oldest daughter has bought to me pair of simple sets for embroidery.
Everything started with these works :

My first works.

Night before Christmas
Autumn in Boldino
Mountain lake
Building of Admiralty of St.-Petersburg

Then nobody could assume, what IT will result in :)

Gallery of ready works.

Here ready works are arranged theme-wise which have been embroidered and issued even before creation of this.

The nature.

Graceful century
Walk in park
Sunday walk
Walk in a stagecoach
Morning in pine to a pine forest. Shishkin


* Seasons
* Blossoming Oriental cherry
* The Samurai
* Geishas


* Sea enchantment
* Retro
* Tenderness
* The butterfly-day-kiss
* The butterfly-night-dream
* The autolady
* The concubine


* Maria in the childhood
* Jesus in the childhood
* Mona Lisa (Gioconda)
* Elegance
* Poor Lize
* The model
* The lady with a veil
* The lady with an ermine
* Spinning laces
* Knjazhna Lopukhina
* The lady in rad

Pictures from life.

* Madam Rekome
* Call of love
* The first love
* The indulged child
* Madam Pompadur
* Children Grehm or Small aristocrats (V.Hogart)
* Piano Lesson
* Three
* Beggar''s dinner
* Fruit seller girls
* Horsewoman. Bryulov - The Paccini sisters

Icons and pictures on Bible plots.

* The sacred maiden with the baby
* The rescued
* Saint Helena
* Angels
* Jesus and Samaritan by a well
* The repenting Maria Magdalina
* The Madonna with the baby (B.Murilo)
* Madonna Litta, it the Madonna with the baby (nursing) da Vinci
* Sacred Mother - Holly Mother
* Icon


* Magpies
* Hydrangea
* Summer bouquet
* Still-life with lobsters
* Sunflowers


* Nefertiti

Machine embroidery.

* Face
* Russian Venus in a bath. Kustodiev

Lately I have taken a great interest in the Romanian tapestries :)

My first tapestry "Call of Love"
Started to embroider since 04/02/2005.

Processes and ready works.

* Aroma of roses
* Flight from Egypt
* The Iversky Mother of God
* Sweet life
* The Power of faith
* Pray of the maiden - Mother of God''s prayer
* Light metamorphoses
* Jesus and John the Baptizer in childhood
* Night prayer
* Princess Louise
* The Virgin''s dream
* Romeo and Juliet

Not properly executed and that that while in work.

* St. Nikolas Miracle-Maker
* Time of roses
* Strawberries basket
* Children running away from thunder-storms (Makovsky)
* Let the children come to me!
* Jesus rescuing Peter
* Children at dinner
* The concubine 2
* Vacation in countryside

Wrong sides of some my embroideries.

When retired, all day long ay home, I embroider often not only in the afternoon, but also at night.
I always have several works at a time in progress.
It takes me approximately 1-2 months to embroider one work;)

I do not exhibit my works, I have neither time, nor forces for that.
But from September, 21 till September, 23rd, 2007 I was invited with a portion of my works for the exhibition "The Planet of Needlework 2007" staged in Moscow for arrangement of master class for embroidery of Romanian tapestries.

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